the cost of lost calls

Who could have thought that scheduling service calls or sales leads in a home services business would be so difficult? 

Furthermore, once we DO start to get the phones ringing, a whole new set of challenges begin to arise… Even IF we are able to schedule the call, unfortunately, we’ve likely already lost part of the negotiation…or we’ve already dropped our price…or decided to INCLUDE the diagnostic fee or trip charge…just so that we don’t lose the call in the first place. 

And despite ALL OF THAT, our call booking rates may still be keeping us up late at night. The day of the call is here, and when our technicians arrive onsite, we continue to hear the same objections over and over again. Things like: “Let me think about it, I’ll call you later” or “I need to get three bids” or “I need to talk to my spouse” or “That price seems high.” 

Why does this seem SO much harder than it should be? 

This does not mean our team is full of bad people, bad employees, or bad leadership. 

What it DOES mean is that we are losing the battle of EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION.

the cost of lost calls

Who could have thought that scheduling service calls or sales leads in a home services business would be so difficult? 

Furthermore, once we DO start to get the phones ringing, a whole new set of challenges begin to arise… Even IF we are able to schedule the call, unfortunately, we’ve likely already lost part of the negotiation…or we’ve already dropped our price…or decided to INCLUDE the diagnostic fee or trip charge…just so that we don’t lose the call in the first place. 

And despite ALL OF THAT, our call booking rates may still be keeping us up late at night. The day of the call is here, and when our technicians arrive onsite, we continue to hear the same objections over and over again. Things like: “Let me think about it, I’ll call you later” or “I need to get three bids” or “I need to talk to my spouse” or “That price seems high.” 

Why does this seem SO much harder than it should be? 

This does not mean our team is full of bad people, bad employees, or bad leadership. 

What it DOES mean is that we are losing the battle of EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION.

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ARe we hurting ourselves with the words that we're using?

In just a little more than 9 days from now on February 15th, we’ll be taking the virtual stage to share why we at Synergy Learning Systems believe 


There are a lot of dirty words our team members are likely “using” on a consistent and daily basis. And who really wants to “be used” anyway? On February 15th, we’ll be “locking up” a number of words we’ve determined to be…

Dirty Words of Anti-Persuasion

These are nasty little words that have the potential to destroy our relationship with our customers without us even realizing it. 

We’ll be working to wash our mouths out with soap, ridding ourselves of these dirty words that can have our potential customers running for the hills, while their subconscious will be exclaiming “Ear Muffs Kids!” as they make a run for it. Words like PRICE, COST, FEE, CHARGE, SPEND, and PAY are nasty words of anti-persuasion that can hinder our team from reaching the heights they desire, and the success your company deserves.

We’ve identified well over 100 Dirty Words of Anti-Persuasion to Wordsmith, helping to eliminate sales resistance on our service calls and sales leads.

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